Thursday, 18 February 2016

Beer Review: Snout

A trip down south meant a visit to Hog's Back Brewery again and a reminder that I still had some of their ales I picked up in Summer to drink. Why is that? Well, I specifically sought out a brace of ales that would better suit winter for the drinking in winter. Unseasonably warm days and little in the way of frost meant that I did not partake of them, after all, what's the point in winter ale if it is not winter outside? Okay, no, bad example, I'd drink them anyway, but now we have actual frost and ice of a morning it seems like the right time to be having them.

And tonight's offering is the much anticipated (by me at least) Snout: Dark Winter Stout from that brewery. It was what prompted me to actually have a shelf in the pantry (we have a pantry) for occasional ales that were somewhat special. I have a second bottle of 2013 vintage Imperial Russian Stout (link) up there too, but this and the the other ales I gained over summer for special occasions are also stored there.

It is dark, time to sample the delights of a winter stout! Would you like to know more?

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Beer Review: Mud City Stout

Been a long time in coming but, tonight, I am getting round to reviewing one of those ales that rapidly became a staple and has been one of the key reasons I started buying more than a single bottle of some ales. In other words, this is an ale whose consumption allowed me to justify my hoarding mentality. Welcome, then, to the Kulaks' friend: Mud City Stout.

I was first pointed in this direction by other beer bloggers on the Google+ ghost-town of beer communities numbering several tens of thousands strong, so I am indebted to them, and it is of the stable of T. A. Sadler who I rather enjoy of an evening, especially following long weeks working and marking and whatnot.

Would you like to know more? Why wouldn't you like to know more? Seriously, you'd like to know more and thus understand why you, too, would want to buy and consume this ale.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Beer Review: Dizzy's Dark Side

I have seen this around and about and I have been wanting to give it a try for some time now. Well, I finally have the opportunity as I settle down to another hard graft at the chalk-face of History. I am referring, of course, to the sister brew to Robinson's Dizzy Blonde in the form of Dizzy's Dark Side and I don't mind complimenting the artist of the bottle jacket on a clever use of colour on the shoes.

My love of dark ales is, perhaps, rather well-signposted on this here blog, so it is of no surprise to all of my reader that I am choosing to review another type of dark ale. Especially as it has been a constant of my visits to a local supermarket of late, taunting me from the pies section, and so I had to cave eventually.

Would you like to know more of my brush with this rather delectable dark, but also curiously light, ale?